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3341 Solex Carb - Electric Choke (30mm) 1967-1970
Solex Carb - Electric Choke (30mm) 1967-1970
List Price: $289.95
Your Price: $249.95
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Product Code: 3341

Fast trouble free cold weather starts are assured with a brand new Electric Choke Solex Carburetor. Models are now available to fit all up right VW engines at less cost than many so called factory rebuilt units.

The ALL NEW Solex replacement series will out perform OEM factory supplied carburetors and eliminate many of the problems associated with stock factory carburetion. Flat spots, bogging between shifts and poor mileage can all be tagged to worn and defective factory carburetion.

The new Solex replacement carburetors offer many engineering features that will help you stretch your fuel dollar and increase your driving pleasure.

Accessory Parts
2718 Base Gasket - fits 30mm Solex PICT 3335 8 x 11 Nuts (each) 3184 See Through Fuel Filters 2771 Cloth Braided Fuel Line - 5mm, fits stock Solex Carburetor
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Your Price: $0.60

Your Price: $1.95

Your Price: $5.25

2718 Base Gasket - fits 30mm Solex PICT 3335 8 x 11 Nuts (each) See Through Fuel Filters Cloth Braided Fuel Line - 5mm, fits stock Solex Carburetor

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review.

  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 3341 30mm Solex- Very Happy October 15, 2021
Reviewer: JW from Santa Barbara, CA  
I'm running this carb on my 1963 bug 40hp motor with stock manifold and stock vacuum distributor.
Don't waste your time with the cheap EMPI or rebuilding your leaky 28PICT which I did anyway.
I got what i paid for, good solid performance right out of the box with little adjustment, very happy, you have no idea.
I also ran this carb with mechanical advance - no issues
If you run an alternator you will need the manifold spacer.
I get grief at cars and coffee for not a proper restore, but my bug starts easier and runs smoother and I don't have to worry about catching fire.
Worth it, Thanks for the help Marieanne

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